Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Building Your Own Rudder
by Coded Logic insome thoughts on meaning, human nature, and the initial difficulties of learning ttatt.. .
it's not just the fear of the wild, the untamed, or the untraversed regions of the mind that drives jws to seek shelter in the dim and dark citadels of their ignorance - seemingly protected from the insoluble mysteries of their universe.
but it's also the fact that the winds of reality can, at times, be cold and harsh and can rain storm and thunder upon everything they thought they knew.
Coded Logic
I just find it odd that people will look for meaning just about everywhere . . . except for the only place they can really find it - within themselves. -
Building Your Own Rudder
by Coded Logic insome thoughts on meaning, human nature, and the initial difficulties of learning ttatt.. .
it's not just the fear of the wild, the untamed, or the untraversed regions of the mind that drives jws to seek shelter in the dim and dark citadels of their ignorance - seemingly protected from the insoluble mysteries of their universe.
but it's also the fact that the winds of reality can, at times, be cold and harsh and can rain storm and thunder upon everything they thought they knew.
Coded Logic
Some thoughts on meaning, human nature, and the initial difficulties of learning TTATT.
It's not just the fear of the wild, the untamed, or the untraversed regions of the mind that drives JWs to seek shelter in the dim and dark citadels of their ignorance - seemingly protected from the insoluble mysteries of their universe. But it's also the fact that the winds of reality can, at times, be cold and harsh and can rain storm and thunder upon everything they thought they knew. So the JWs take refuge behind their unenlightened walls where they feel safe from the uncertain, protected from the unknown, and oblivious to that terrifying chasm that stands between existence . . . and meaning.It's truly unfortunate that the abyss is something most minds cannot easily comprehend. Because no two people can use the same bridge to get across. The connection between existence and meaning can only ever be built by its wayfarer. And, far too often, JWs surrender their identity - their life's meaning - to conformity. All the while seeking inspiration in the white noise of their ancient book, new age beliefs, or in the comfort of ceremonial rites (baptism), religious customs (service), and the long preformed sacraments of ancient communions (memorial). But the pathway out of darkness is not in the catacombs of ignorance. Rather, meaning is found high up in the foothills and in the mountains of knowledge. And, while no one knows if these peaks can ever be conquered, it is none the less true that the higher up you climb - the further out you can see. And the further out you can see, the more likely you are to lay eyes upon your prize.There are plenty of things worth believing in. And there are almost an infinite amount of causes and worthwhile pursuits. But the religious and the supernatural are not among them. The narrative - the story telling of our lives - must be ours and ours alone. Meaning is not something that can be prescribed, or gifted or handed out. Rather, meaning is a pursuit, a lifelong pilgrimage, into the unknown. It's the aspiration to be more than what we are. It's the ability to imagine and to comprehend and, sometimes, to even do dare to do what was once thought impossible.Just because we've collapsed the cage doesn't mean we've escaped the cage. Just because we've realized our beliefs were false doesn't mean that we're not still trapped by the same bad reasoning that got us there in the first place. No one can walk our path for us.We are the custodian of life's meaning. And if we crave some cosmic purpose then we had better find ourselves a worthy goal.
-Carl Sagan
Building 500 new kingdom halls?
by Coded Logic inthe wtbts has to know they aren't actually going to see their numbers significantly jump anytime soon/ever right?
are they planning on cutting the rbc down to 1/10th the work force so they can actually slow down their kh projects instead of increasing them?
or do they think their little website scheme is actually going to bring in more people?.
Coded Logic
The WTBTS has to know they aren't actually going to see their numbers significantly jump anytime soon/ever right? Are they planning on cutting the RBC down to 1/10th the work force so they can actually slow down their KH projects instead of increasing them? Or do they think their little website scheme is actually going to bring in more people?
This is just all bluster and saber rattling right?
(From LCD Seminar)
Here is the task of the LDC: Build 5 times as many Kingdom halls with 1/10 the work force – oh, and 1 more thing – do it for no money!
Jehovah likes impossible odds – this way its clear that He is with his people
Right now we have:
132 RBC’s
1350 overseers
270,000 people in Builder Assist (we want to reduce this down to 30,000)
617 / week are getting baptized – he is angry
32,518 / year
We built only 65 new KH in past year – we have a back log of 500 halls to be built plus more every day
Full Seminar posted by Sourgrapes:
If Your JW Parent Died Would YOU Go To The Kingdom Hall For The Talk?
by minimus ini would like your thoughts, please..
Coded Logic
JW funerals don't honor the dead. They just try and use it as a recruiting tool.
My Goodness Sakes - I don't know how I missed this - The Ultimate US - Canada - Brit Tribute
by berrygerry in
god bless rock n roll.
Coded Logic
Amen to that!
Why Do Theist Struggle So Much For A God Who Supposedly Exists?
by Coded Logic ina theist made this casual statement on another thread,.
from ancient accounts hostile to christinity, we can learn about (jesus).
as a theist, how could they possibly trust the source to suggest this to himself?
Coded Logic
A Theist made this casual statement on another thread,
From ancient accounts hostile to Christinity, we can learn about (Jesus)
As a Theist, how could they possibly trust the source to suggest this to himself? If God really exists, why would anyone need to trust hostile sources? Why would they even concern themselves with anything other than what they consider to be God's devine revelation?
Is the need to collect money, build churches and evangalize really consistant with an all powerful God? Why do Theist do these things if their God can do anything? Why are they borrowing from a secular world view where humans have to do things for themselves?
Because deep down inside, they know God isn't real. In other words, Theists Don't Exist .
This video below fully develops these findings. Merry Christmas to all.
. . .
P.S. This thread is satrical. Please reference Perry's Post
Does Anyone Watch Ascension?
by jw07 inthis new series' pilot episode is the perfect allegory for the blind faith of the average person in the jw movement, those who deny that anything 'immoral' or sinister happens within the ranks, the double lives, doubters, and towards the end of the episode, an example of how the governing body controls persons' lives.
check it out and tell me if you saw all the parallels.
i think it's my new favourite show..
Coded Logic
I'm really enjoying the show. When I found out the ship was supposed to have been launched in the sixities I was scratching my head. Wherey did they get flourecent lights, colored tv., artificial gravity, etc. I was serriously saying to myself, none of this is making sense.
And then . . . mind blown.
It's plot structure and charachter development take a lot of cues from BSG which is one of my all time favorite shows. Only problem is I really doen't trust the Syfy network. After the cancelation of SGU and Caprica in their very first seasons (also some of the best shows I've seen) I have boycotted the station. This is my first time back so I really hope they don't screw the fans over. This show has the potential to be epic.
Looking for others that maybe gay or questioning
by dewey79 inso i am the weird case that i still believe in the jehovah's organization.
there are a couple of things that stop me from going.
is there anyone else out there that still believes?
Coded Logic
It took me a long time to realize there was nothing wrong with me. That despite what the WT taught, I wasn't wicked or evil or "just wanting to sin." I was looking to have a real relationship in which I could be honest about who I was - a gay man. And I realized I could never do that while a JW. They would never accept me for who I am.
When I read Romans I came to the same conclusion you did. The scripture only applied to the annointed class.
After fading I wondered, if this isn't the "true" religion then what is? The idea of searching for a new church seemed like a near impossible task. How many would I have to go to - to find the "right" one. I decided that was not the correct way to do it. That I should first look at what the Bible really says and then go from there. It was then that a very subtle idea entered my brain. An idea so simple and basic I had nearly overlooked it.
I realized that I should first verify the Bible is in fact God's word. This was a no brainer. I had been taught the evidence was overwhelming but I had never really taken the time to lay it all out. So I wrote down a list of the reasons why I knew the Bible was true:
1.) Fufilled Prophecy
2.) Scientific knowledge unknown to man at the time
3.) Internal Consistancy
4.) Moral Authority
And I resolved to fill in the exact scriptures I could point to incase I ever came across an atheist or a non-believer. I thought it would be an hour or two worth of research . . .
Six months later I had exhausted every scripture I knew, ever publication of the watchtower, every christian apologetic website, and every video I could find on Youtube to support these four basic premises. Not only could I not find evidence to support them - I found mountains of evidence that disproved them. The Bible has failed prophecy (the city of Tyre is not "uninhabited to time indefinite"), it has plain gotten science wrong (Genesis has the Sun and stars created AFTER vegitation on the earth), it is internaly inconsistant (Matthew has Jesus born before 3BC while Luke has Jesus born after 7AD), and it is morally wrong (God puts himself before the well being of his people every single time).
There are over 30,000 denominations of Christianity in the United States alone. All of which claim to follow the Bible. This would mean, that even if there was a "true" Christianity, the Bible has been used to mislead more people than it has managed to leed to the truth. And, while they all can't be right - they all can be wrong.
The Bible was written by men. And there's nothing devine or supernatural about it. It's no different than the Quran, or the Bhagavad Gita, the Hermetica, or any other so called "Holy Book".
life after the wtbts
by Hortensia inyou can't move forward to a new, more interesting, possibly much happier life, if you're still looking behind at the former life.. there is so much obsession on here about what the wtbts is doing, and discussing all the forms of injustice and bullshit in the wtbts, or how to bring down the wtbts.
yes, their doctrines are crazy and they are a cult and cruel to boot.
move on.
Coded Logic
Being an x-witness is a pretty unique thing. If you've ever tried to explain it to friends or co-workers they really just don't get what its like. It's nice to hear other peoples experiences and opinions. It's also interesting to hear about all the crazy stuff that is going on with the WT. I still have some friends and a family member inside so if I ever talk to them I want to have amo to plant the right seed.
Is is Muslim terrorist cafe seige Sydney...hundreds of hostages! looks bad.
by Witness 007 inlindt chocalate cafe martin place in city people pressed against the glass with hands up...this will not end well..
Coded Logic
The difference between a fundamentalist and a radical is a very fine line. Whether it be Jehovah in the Bible or Allah in the Quran - God is not a moderate. Fortunately for the Christians, there is the whole peace-loving-hippy from the first century. Unfortunately for the Muslims, their prophet is a seventh century warlord.